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  • How To Help Your Child's Sugar Cravings

How To Help Your Child's Sugar Cravings

“Your most valuable parenting skill is learning to manage yourself first."

- Dr. Laura Markham

Good Morning Mommy! Guess what, it's Wednesday already! We’re halfway through another fun-filled, chaos-controlled week. So, let's conquer the day with a strong cup of "mom fuel" and some interesting reads.

Today’s Mommy scoop:

  • A 30-day sweet tooth mission for your kiddo

  • Berry Coconut Crisps recipe

  • Family car shopping? Check out our 2023 buying guide

  • Avoid Mom Burnout with our 5 practical tips

Healthy Habits

30 Days to Crush Your Child's Sugar Cravings

Welcome to the sweet battleground!

You're on a mission to tackle your kiddo's sugar intake, which - spoiler alert - might be more reminiscent of Willy Wonka's Factory than a balanced diet.

But fear not, we've got your back (and your children's teeth).

Your kid might be consuming: a mind-blowing 50 pounds annually! 

And yes, that includes stealthy sugars hiding in seemingly healthy foods.

Sneaky Sugar Traps

Sugar isn't just lurking in the obvious culprits like candy and soda; it's playing hide and seek in PB&Js, flavored yogurts, and chocolate milk too.

Not to mention, our little sugar fiends are biologically inclined to have a sweet tooth.

Talk about a sugary conspiracy!

Sweet Consequences

Overloading on added sugars isn't just a dental nightmare.

It can potentially pave the way to serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation.

And if your child's consumption is close to the average, they're far exceeding recommended limits.

30-Day Sugar Overhaul

Brace yourself for a month-long journey to healthier habits.

Start by turning breakfast into a low-sugar affair (hello, homemade flavored yogurt and protein-packed eggs).

Then, redefine desserts (fruit, anyone?) and revamp the contents of your fridge and pantry.

Finally, tackle beverages.

Spoiler: Plain milk and water become your best friends.

Sugar Alternatives

As you embark on this adventure, don't get discouraged.

There are plenty of delicious alternatives and strategies that can help satisfy those sweet cravings healthily.

  • Homemade flavored yogurt (a bit of fruit, honey, or maple syrup)

  • Fruit for dessert

  • Nut butters

  • Dark chocolate

  • Homemade popcorn

Just remember, you're not only slashing sugar, you're also teaching your children invaluable lessons about health, and that's the sweetest reward of all!

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The Mom Lab

Sweet 'N' Crispy Berry Coconut Delight

Want to turn ordinary after-school hours into a celebration?

Then you have to try this easy-peasy and insanely delicious dessert recipe: the Berry Coconut Crisps.

Your little ones are gonna lose their minds over this.


  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil or spray

  • 12 ounces frozen organic mixed berries

  • 1 tablespoon tapioca flour (or you can use 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch, it works just as well!)

  • 4 tablespoons pure maple syrup, divided

  • 3/4 cup chopped walnuts or almonds

  • 3/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut


1. Prepping Time

Preheat the oven to 375 F.

Lightly coat 4 6-ounce ramekins with the oil (if you don't have ramekins, no worries! An 8x8inch loaf pan works just as well).

2. Berry Mixture

In a large bowl, combine the frozen berries, tapioca flour, and 2 tablespoons maple syrup.

Stir until the tapioca flour dissolves.

Evenly distribute this yummy berry mixture into each ramekin.

3. Nutty Topping

Whizz the walnuts in a food processor until they're finely chopped.

Then add the shredded coconut and remaining 2 tablespoons maple syrup, and pulse until the mixture begins to stick together.

Spread about 1/4 cup of this crunchy topping over each ramekin.

4. Bake and Cool

Place the ramekins on a baking sheet, pop them into the oven, and bake for 10 minutes.

Then loosely cover with foil, and bake for an additional 8 minutes.

Once they're golden and crispy, take them out and let them cool for 10 minutes before serving.

So, ladies, transform your kitchen into a mini dessert paradise.

It's not just a dessert; it's a handful of joy served in a ramekin!

Happy baking, mamas!

Budget Diapers & College Dreams

Surviving the 2023 Car-Buying Jungle: A Mom's Guide

Car Buying 2023: A Rollercoaster Ride for Moms

Welcome to the theme park of 2023 car buying, Mamas!

Rising prices, an influx of supersized and electric vehicles, and limited availability are just the starter kit for this wild ride.

The Budgeting Game

Online tools (our new best friends) are here to help you plan your budget, remember, owning a car is like raising a kiddo, think of insurance, fuel, and maintenance as your unexpected trips to the pediatrician.

Prepping Your Car Wish List

Feel like you're stepping on a Lego in the dark? Fear not! Make a wish list of your car needs versus wants.

Factor in the number of seats, crucial safety features, and storage space because, let's face it, our car needs can multiply faster than our little ones.

Pre-Dealership Homework 

Before entering the battlefield (aka the dealership), arm yourself with knowledge from reliable sites like, Kelly Blue Book, National Highway Traffic Safety Association, and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The more you know, the better you negotiate!

Car Choice Today

The perfect car for your family today may not be so perfect in five years.

Like a child's favorite toy, the suitability of a car can change with your growing family's needs.

Considering an electric vehicle (EV)? 

Make sure it fits your lifestyle habits.

Federal incentives might make an EV more affordable, but remember to plan for potential additional costs like installing a home charging station.

2023 Car Reality

Potential sticker shock, pre-ordering your car, and rising interest rates – sounds like a new season of "Adventures in Parenthood", right?

And although SUVs are the current family-favorite, remember, not all SUVs are created equal.

To Buy or Not To Buy

If you're in no rush to buy, it might be worth the wait for car prices and supply issues to stabilize.

But as any parent knows, unpredictability is part of the game.

The Family Circus

Mom Burnout: Avoiding the Meltdown

Don't we all know that being a mom is basically holding down three full-time jobs, but without the luxury of clocking out?

Enter the real threat of 'mommy burnout'.

Here's how to give burnout the boot and still keep your cape flying high

Embracing the Burnout Beast

No matter your mom-status, we all feel the burn.

Sheryl Ziegler hits the nail on the head, saying burnout is that constant exhaustion from the never-ending rollercoaster of parenting.

Yes, you've heard it right, it's not just you, it's a global mom epidemic.

Support Squad: Your Secret Weapon

Being a one-woman show is overrated.

Assemble your tribe - a blend of loved ones, friends, neighbors, or even that friendly barista who spells your name right.

Kristen Arquette, a therapist who gets the whole mom-gig, suggests building connections with the regulars in your daily life. Support system - check!

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Newsflash! You're allowed to put yourself first sometimes!

Whether it's a walk, a book, a chocolate-y treat, or a scroll-free evening, do something that recharges you.

Think about it, when was the last time you had a chocolate bar all to yourself?

Ditching the Kids... For Your Partner

Yes, you read it right.

Invest time in your significant other as it's as crucial as those rejuvenating alone-time moments.

Ignore the mounting laundry, put the screens away, and focus on enjoying each other's company.

Learning to Love "No"

Being Supermom doesn't mean saying "yes" to everything.

Arquette encourages us to stand our ground even if it ruffles some feathers.

Remember, it's not about pleasing everyone, it's about not diluting your Supermom powers too thin.

Stress Triggers: Knowing Your Kryptonite

Identify what gets under your skin and find ways to control it.

Show your little copycats how mom handles stress in a healthy way, fostering a culture of resilience and self-care.

In short, motherhood can feel like an uphill battle, but remember: burnout isn't a sign of failure.

So, lace up those mama boots, dodge those stress bullets, and take some time for the wonder woman in the mirror!

Mom’s Meme 🤣


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