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  • 5 Toddler Feeding Mistakes You Must Know

5 Toddler Feeding Mistakes You Must Know

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

- Anais Nin

Morning Mommy! It's Tuesday, which in Mom-language means we're one day closer to the weekend (hooray?!). From tackling toddler mealtime meltdowns to crafting the prettiest felt flowers, we've got your day sorted.

Today’s Mommy scoop:

  • Deciphering Toddler Feeding Mistakes

  • Mom Secret: Silence Doors with Furniture Pads

  • Kid's Favorite: Cauliflower Mac-n-Cheese

  • Craft Corner: Felt Flower Bouquet DIY

Mom's Field Guide

Feeding Toddlers: 5 Common Mistakes

Navigating the minefield of feeding toddlers may feel like being lost in a kale salad – messy, baffling, and occasionally, nutritious.

Buckle up for a guilt-free exploration of the most common mealtime mix-ups and their parent-friendly fixes.

1. The Picky Eater Panic

Every parent fears the moment their once well-eating baby morphs into a picky eater.

Spoiler alert: it's normal, even protective!

So, ditch the guilt and embrace this developmental phase. Plus, fewer peas flung on your walls.

2. The Great Choice Chaos

'To eat or not to eat?' is not the question you should be posing to your tiny 'no'-loving tyrant.

Limit the options, toss in their favorites occasionally, and watch the chicken-nugget-meltdowns become a thing of yester-meal.

3. The Role Reversal Ruckus

Food battles are no longer in fashion.

Master the Satter method - you rule the 'what, when, and where' of feeding, they reign over the 'whether and how much'.

Harmony served, with a side of peas.

4. The Overfilled Oven Mistake

Toddlers’ bellies = small fists.

Stop the all-day grazing; structure meal and snack times.

Remember, their juice intake should match their shoe size - small.

5. The 'More is More' Misunderstanding

Rewarding your kiddo for polishing off their plate may backfire, teaching them to ignore satiety signals. 

Let them tune into their hunger and fullness cues; no need to eat like they’re storing for winter.

In the end, sidestep these feeding foibles, and you'll guide your mini muncher into becoming a confident, healthy eater.

Together with Superspace

Unleash the Power of Imagination

Caught your kiddo building a fortress with your sofa cushions again?

Hand them Superspace!

This life-sized 'everything toy' lets your child’s imagination soar.

Whether it's an intergalactic mission or a secret den, Superspace is their canvas.

And hey, knocking it down is half the fun! So, why not let them create, destroy, and repeat 🙂

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Mom Hack

Use furniture pads on doors.


Mom Hack

Here's my all-time favorite mom-hack, courtesy of my hubby, furniture pads on doors.

What's worse than tip-toeing away from a sleeping child's room, only to jolt them awake with a door's slam?

Thanks to the clever pad placement, noisy door frames are history! 

If you're going to try just one tip, let it be this one!

We snagged this versatile pack from Amazon that serves all our needs and comes with enough spares for when the stickiness gives way or your decor changes

Mom’s Menu

Kid-Friendly Cauliflower Mac and Cheese


Who says comfort food can't also be healthy?

The answer to your mealtime prayers, we have a wholesome, toddler-friendly Cauliflower Mac and Cheese recipe that is guaranteed to be loved by all.

This isn't just any mac and cheese - it's a delicious sneak attack of cauliflower goodness that your little ones won't even notice!


  1. Pasta (any small shape your kids prefer)

  2. Cauliflower (a head, florets, or rice)

  3. Shredded Cheddar Cheese (white or yellow)

  4. Milk (Whole, almond, or your preference, unsweetened)

  5. Butter

  6. A Pinch of Garlic Powder (Optional)


  1. Cauliflower Prep: Cut your cauliflower into florets, and boil them in a large pot until they are tender.

  2. Saucy Magic: Remove the cauliflower and blend it with milk, cheese, butter, salt, and garlic powder until smooth.

  3. Pasta Time: In the same boiling water, cook your chosen pasta. Once cooked, drain and return to the pot.

  4. Mix It Up: Stir in the cauliflower-cheese sauce into your pasta. Adjust to your kids' cheesiness preference!


This heavenly Cauliflower Mac and Cheese can be prepped ahead, and the sauce can be stored for up to three days.

For a dairy-free version, switch to nondairy milk and cheese.

If garlic's not their thing, you can omit the garlic powder or replace it with onion powder or black pepper.

Swap cheddar with gouda, pepper-jack, or gruyere to switch up the flavors.

To end on a cheesy note, let's say this Cauliflower Mac and Cheese recipe is 'grate'! 😏 

Now, go bring smiles to those little faces.

Daily DIY

Felt Flower Bouquet


DIY Project

You're going to love these felt flowers because guess what?

No sewing required! 

Not only can your little ones use them to spruce up their rooms or as cute bookmarks, but they also make fantastic gifts from your little one.

Talk about a win-win!

The tutorial is here.

Mom’s Choice

These locks are a game-changer because they keep your curious little ones safe from potential hazards in drawers and cabinets. 

They're easy to install and invisible from the outside, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your home while ensuring your child's safety.

  • Peace of Mind: Keep your curious tot safe from potential hazards

  • Design: Invisible from the outside

  • Convenience: Install in seconds with tape, no need for any tools or screws


Parenting Quiz

What is a pacifier called in the UK? (Answer below)

A. Soother

B. Dummy

C. Plug

D. Sucker

E. "The magical silence maker"

Mom’s Meme 🤣


B. Dummy


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