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  • 5 Crucial Tips for Choosing the Right Pediatrician

5 Crucial Tips for Choosing the Right Pediatrician

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.”

Top of the Morning, Mamas! It's Manic Monday again - cue the confetti or the coffee, depending on how last night went. Ready for a fresh round of mommy wisdom?

Today’s Mommy scoop:

  • On a Quest for Doc Best - Pediatrician Picking.

  • Parents: The Human Mammals.

  • 'Salsa Dance in Your Mouth' - a Fresh Mango Recipe.

  • Taming Tech Time: Screen Usage for Tots.

Healthy Habits

Choosing a Pediatrician: The Ultimate Mommy Mission

In the baby-making business, selecting the perfect pediatrician can seem tougher than explaining why Elmo doesn’t age.

Let’s give you the low-down and swap that pregnancy glow for a detective hat!

The Early Bird gets the Doctor

Start looking for a pediatrician while you're still pregnant, around 28 to 34 weeks along.

Dr. Alessandrini emphasizes that having a pediatrician pre-picked saves you from adding one more task to your post-birth to-do list, because trust me, the list is longer than your baby's sleepless nights!

Trust Your Tribe

Take recommendations from friends, co-workers, or even use the American Academy of Pediatrics' referral site.

But remember, just like baby clothes, one size doesn’t fit all.

Check the hospitals your candidates are affiliated with; you’ll want one that’s reputable and doesn’t require a mini road trip every time you visit.

Scout the Scene 

Check out the office location. Remember, if it’s farther than your patience during a tantrum, it's probably too far.

Schedule meetings with potential pediatricians and remember to pack your interrogation—I mean, question list.

"You're trusting this doctor with your most precious possession, and you should ask what you need to know to feel comfortable,"

- Dr. Alessandrini.

Decision Time

Your gut feeling could be your best friend in this decision.

Ensure your chosen pediatrician aligns with your views and your personal preferences.

Their office should feel more like a Disneyland trip than a dentist visit. Friendly receptionists, distraction aids for kids, and efficient communication are key!

Breakups are Okay

If it’s not working out, it’s fine to change pediatricians.

However, consider giving them a few visits before switching - just like getting your kid to eat broccoli, sometimes it takes a few tries.

Selecting a pediatrician is part detective work, part intuition, and 100% doing what's best for your baby.

Profit & Pajamas

Cash-In on Couch-Time

Ever had one of those days where you're slumped on the couch in your comfy pajamas, deep in "Peppa Pig" territory, and thought -

"Man, I should be making money while doing this"?

Well, you definitely can be!

Start your own newsletter with Beehiiv and talk about one of your passions.

There are plenty of other options, but it happens to be the platform I’m using right now, and I’d highly recommend it!

It’s a super easy, mom-friendly platform built for success. Comfy PJs, your wisdom, and Beehiiv – a match made in mommy heaven!

The Mom Lab

Parenting Truth: You're a Rare Species of... Mammal

Welcome, human parents!

Feeling overwhelmed with your kid's schedule? Turns out, we're a lot like other mammal parents.

We're all just trying to make it in this crazy parenting world!

We're All Mammals Here

A new study from UC Davis shows how we're like other mammals when it comes to looking after our kids.

From ballet lessons to soccer practice pick-ups, our actions seem to mirror the shared parenting responsibilities observed in the animal kingdom.

Scientists suggest our child-rearing methods aren't too different from other mammals who hunt, forage, and instruct their young.

Helping Each Other Out

The researchers highlight that humans, just like other monogamous mammals, rely heavily on shared parental responsibilities.

So, next time your partner takes over bedtime stories, remember: it’s nature's way!

Human or Animal?

The study also compared how human dads and other male mammals contribute to their children's upbringing.

Turns out, we're not that different. We're just another special kind of mammal!

We can quite successfully model reproductive inequality in humans and nonhumans using the same predictors."

- Cody Ross, Researcher

We're Special in Our Own Way

Despite all this, the study found that human parents are still unique.

Both mom and dad have important roles to play, and this makes us different from most other mammals.

So, we're still special, just in our own unique way!

Things you should…

PROTECT: Your little one from the unknown.

Up to 30% Off + Free Shipping on products like the Nanit Smart Baby Monitor. Be on top of every breath, every stir, every precious moment.

EMBARK: On a delightful journey through the vineyards of California

As a Mommy member, today you can enjoy 50% Off your first shipment using the code "SAVE50" at The California Wine Club. Cheers to that!

Mom’s Menu

Lip-Smacking Fresh Mango Salsa

Have you ever craved a burst of tropical paradise in your mouth that's healthy, easy to whip up, and adored by the entire family?

Well, say hello to our little friend, the absolutely mouthwatering Fresh Mango Salsa!


  • 2 large ripe mangoes

  • 1 medium firm avocado

  • 1 large red bell pepper

  • 1/4 medium red onion

  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro (stems stripped and chopped)

  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

  • 1 tablespoon lime zest

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. The Chop Shop: Dice the mangoes, avocado, red bell pepper, and onion into uniform bite-size pieces. Give your cilantro a rough chop and toss all of these into a medium-size bowl. Ah, the colors of mother nature!

  2. Mix n' Mingle: Time for our fruits and veggies to get to know each other. Give them a gentle stir to combine.

  3. Zesty Twist: Drizzle the fresh lime juice, sprinkle the lime zest, and season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Give it another gentle toss and let the magic begin.

  4. Chill Session: For the best flavor, place your salsa in the fridge for 30 minutes. Trust me, the flavors get friendlier during this time.

  5. Serve & Savor: Bring it out, serve with tortilla chips, or top it on fish or shrimp tacos. And of course, enjoy!

And for all you adventurous mamas out there, you can add in black beans, fresh tomatoes, diced cucumbers, or even fresh jalapeno if you're feeling a bit spicy!

Or why not switch the mango with peaches or pineapple for a different tropical twist?

Remember, our beloved salsa tastes best when eaten within 24 hours, but it'll last 3-4 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

Pro tip: Make sure your mango is ripe for the best flavors. Gently squeeze it. If it feels soft and makes a slight dent, you've hit the jackpot! Also, it should smell sweet and tropical.

Moms, next time you need a fresh, healthy, and zesty snack, this Mango Salsa is your ticket to paradise. Happy salsa-making!

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The Digital Playground

Taming Tech: Raising Analog Kids in a Digital World

Worried your toddler might be evolving into a tablet?

Learn how to replace some swipe time with swing time, and emoji expressions with genuine giggles!

Digital Balance is Key: Screen time isn't the bad guy, but moderation and balance are superheroes!

The goal is to mix in healthy doses of physical play, imaginative escapades, reading adventures, social connections, and solid sleep.

Family Rules: Discuss and set screen time guidelines.

Maybe screens stay in the family room and take a nap during mealtimes, or perhaps YouTube takes a backseat to dance-offs and puzzle quests.

A handy rule of thumb?

Preschoolers should clock at least 3 hours of physical activity each day.

Short and Sweet Sessions: Try introducing short bouts of screen time with regular, energetic intermissions.

Nature is Nurture: Encourage outdoor play. Who needs Mario Kart when your little one can transform into an Indy 500 driver with a cardboard box?

Unleash Creativity: Stir up their imagination with storytelling, dress-ups, and art.

Not only do these activities inspire problem-solving skills, but they also boost brain development and foster emotional understanding.

Playdates over Pixels: Social interactions trump solo screen time.

Playdates and playgroups offer invaluable lessons about sharing, resolving conflicts, and becoming independent.

Pre-bedtime Pixel Pause: Screen light can turn those Z's into an insomniac alphabet.

Turn off screens an hour before bedtime to ensure your child recharges fully for the next day of exploration.

Bedroom Ban on Devices: Keeping devices out of the bedroom at night prevents unscheduled gaming sessions and disruptive notifications.

Who knew your child's bedroom could be a no Wi-Fi zone!

Mom’s Meme 🤣


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