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  • 3 Mom Tips for a Better Morning Routine

3 Mom Tips for a Better Morning Routine

"Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever."

Good Morning Momma Bear! Who said Thursdays have to be boring? Let's make it a day of learning, smiles, and surprise.

Today’s Mommy scoop:

  • Say goodbye to morning mayhem

  • DIY apple cinnamon oatmeal

  • No money? No problem! Start your business today

Yoga Mats & Bubble Baths

From Morning Madness to Mommy Zen: 3 Steps to a Better Day

One Step at a Time, Mornings Reimagined

Catherine Beard is on a mission to rebuild her morning routine and transform her first-thing angst into pre-dawn peace.

Swapping the habit of jumping headfirst into work right after waking up for some personal care time has made her mornings more mindful.

This relatable shift promises to turn your mornings from a hasty scramble to a tranquil march.

An Intention-Driven Morning

Feeling prepared and present was the morning mission.

If starting your day feels like setting off a stress grenade, take a cue from her and set your own morning intention.

Whether you want to feel calm, energized, or unbothered, let that be your guiding star.

Your mornings don't have to look like a bad sitcom - they can be your favorite part of the day!

First Things First

Let's face it: when your first action of the day is checking emails or Slack, you're setting yourself up for a day that's about as relaxing as herding cats.

Catherine promotes establishing a self-supportive habit as your first move of the day.

  • Conversation with loved one

  • Going through your to-do list

  • Exercise

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Reading

  • Affirmations

It's a simple way to put a spring in your step.

Gold in the Routine

There's no need to overhaul your mornings entirely.

If something is working, let it keep working! 

Catherine shares what worked for her, like taking the dog out for sunshine, making breakfast, and avoiding social media.

Focus on what's already going right for you and use these things as your launchpad for a better morning.


You don't have to subscribe to an elaborate, 50-step morning routine to feel in control. 

Being intentional can be a game-changer.

Here's to more mindful mornings and unleashing the best versions of ourselves onto the world - one well-timed alarm at a time!

Together with Wandering Bear

Cold Brew Coffee - Big, Strong, and Surprisingly Smooth

Moms, ever feel like you're running a summer camp instead of a home?

Check out Wandering Bear Cold Brew Coffee for that bit of extra energy!

It's not just coffee; it's an extra strong, surprisingly smooth, 100% organic lifeline that stays fresh up to 30 days in the fridge.

It's like having a ready-to-drink coffee shop in your home - all the flavor, none of the lines.

Stay cool & caffeinated.

Mom Hack

Keep an emergency bag in your car

Stash an emergency bag with day-to-day essentials. It's like a magic wand for those unexpected moments.

Items like…

  • Diapers and Wipes

  • Change of Clothes

  • Pacifier or Small Toy

  • Nursing Cover

Mom’s Menu

Homemade Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Source: superhealthykids.com

Got a case of the "instant oatmeal packet blues?"

I bet your kids are in love with those quickie apple cinnamon oatmeal packs, right?

I mean, they're cheap, fast, and let's face it, they taste pretty darn good.

But, here's a thought... what if I told you that you can whip up something just as quick, way tastier, and chock full of fresh ingredients?

Oh, and let's not forget the big bonus - no preservatives! 

It's the perfect mix of fresh apples, wholesome oats, and a dash of sweet cinnamon - your kid's favorite instant variety, but healthier and tastier.


  • 1 cup of rolled oats

  • 2 medium apples, diced (plus extra for topping, if you fancy)

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • A pinch of nutmeg

  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup (and maybe a little extra for drizzling)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 2 cups of water

  • A pinch of salt


  1. Prep your apples. Keep the peels on for some extra nutrients.

  2. In your trusty saucepan, toss in the oats, water, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and diced apples. Bring it all to a boil and then let it simmer for about 4-5 minutes. You're looking for the water to be absorbed and the apples to be nicely softened.

  3. Remove from heat and mix in your applesauce, maple syrup, and vanilla.

  4. Serve it up! Feel free to add some extra fresh apples on top if you're feeling fancy.

Now, this is already a superstar breakfast but if you're in the mood to jazz things up a bit, you can mix in some tasty extras.

Maybe some chopped walnuts, raisins, or flaked coconut?

And hey, for an extra creaminess and protein boost, you can add an egg while the oatmeal is almost cooked. I promise, no eggy taste!

So, there you have it - let's kick those preservative-packed instant packets to the curb and embrace the power of homemade goodness.

Happy cooking!

Things you should…

SIMPLIFY: Your parenting journey with practical, innovative, and affordable baby products

Mommy members, today only, take 15% Off Sitewide at Evenflo, using the code "DAD23"

Daily DIY

Milk Carton Bird Feeder


For the nature-loving mom, make this with your kids to encourage more birds in the backyard!

The tutorial is here.

Passion, Profit & Pajamas

Laughing All the Way to the Bank: The No-Money Mompreneur

Ever dreamt of being a self-made mompreneur, but found your wallet as empty as your kids' promise to clean their room?

Well, hold on to your diaper bags, because starting a business with zero cash isn't a punchline, it's a possibility.

The Skills Scavenger Hunt

First things first, it's time to put your mom-glasses on and look within for your existing skills.

You might be surprised at how those talents can be the foundation for a new venture.

  • Love baking for the school bake sale? Why not start a small catering service?

  • Good at organizing? Hello, professional organizing business!

From tutoring in a subject you mastered to offering workout sessions as a fitness enthusiast, the opportunities are plentiful and close to home.

Bargain Hunt

Next, put your coupon-clipping, deal-hunting, mom-skills to use and examine your budget.

Are there memberships you're not fully utilizing, or could your phone bill be negotiated down?

Each penny saved is a penny that could be spent on your startup.

Even something as simple as cutting out the extra coffee run can save some cash to invest in your business dream.

It's All About Who You Know

Now let's call in the cavalry, your network!

From friends to family, your network isn't just for recipe exchanges and carpool schedules.

They can be a valuable resource for spreading the word about your new venture or even providing seed funding.

Big Ideas, Small Wallets

Finally, here are some business ideas that require little to no startup cash.

Ever thought about leveraging your social media savvy into becoming a Social Media Manager?

Or maybe taking your knack for budgeting and offering financial coaching services?

Even starting an online course on a topic you're passionate about - like managing family meals on a budget - can be a profitable avenue!


Having an empty wallet doesn't mean you can't fill a business plan. There is always a way to bring your business dream to life.

So grab that super-mom cape, because it's time to take on the world of business!


Parenting Quiz

When do children typically start to develop a sense of empathy? (Answer below)

A. Newborn

B. 6 months

C. 2 years

D. 4 years

E. During their first philosophy lecture

Mom’s Meme 🤣


D. 4 years


or to participate.