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5 Tips to Boost Your Child's Self-Confidence

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"A mother understands what a child does not say."

-Jewish proverb

Morning, You Glorious Child-Wranglers! We've made it to Thursday! A round of applause, ladies. Let’s dive in.

Today’s Mommy scoop:

  • Upping your little one’s self-confidence

  • Toy cleaning just got easier

  • Lip-smacking blueberry date bars

  • The kitchen garden dream

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Mom’s Field Guide

5 Ways to Boost Your Child's Self-Confidence

Sherlock Holmes Mode Activated

Tune in to your child's behavior, detecting unusual shifts like the sudden love for bedtimes or frequent tummy aches.

Be the mom-detective that spots these subtle signs of distress and don't shy away from the "is something wrong?" chat.

Taming the Mama Bear

Yes, bullying can trigger the lioness in you, ready to pounce on the offenders, but hey, your cub needs a calm, steady hand.

Cool your jets, let your child know you've got their back, and resist the urge to Hulk-smash. 

Send the message, "Bullying is not cool, and we're going to fix this."

Label-less Love

Swap the harsh tags of "bullies" and "victims" for more flexible terms.

Your kiddo is not doomed to a "victim" role, and the "bully" isn't a mini-monster.

Express the situation as "the child who bullied" and "the child who was bullied" – it's not just semantics, it's a mantra for change.

Compassion: The Secret Weapon

Teaching compassion, even towards the child who bullies, might sound like a plot twist.

But, explaining that often the bully struggles with their issues can empower your child.

It also highlights the crucial truth: being bullied doesn't reflect their worth.

Tommy Picks His Nose

Remember Tommy, the school bully?

Well, he picks his nose, just like everyone else.

A dash of humor can shrink those bullies down to size in your child's eyes.

Levity makes Tommy less threatening, and your child more confident.


Building your child's confidence while facing bullying requires a mix of detective work, restraint, empathy, a relabeling exercise, and a good dose of humor.

But most importantly, it needs lots of love, reassurances, and some harmless boogie banter.

Keep reading here.

Together with Nom Nom

Boost Your Dog's Health with Real Meals -- Now 50% OFF

Say goodbye to dull coats and low energy.

Upgrade your dog's diet with a fresh, healthy diet from Nom Nom and support their healthier, happier life.

  • Shiner coat

  • Increased energy

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Mom Hack

Clean kid toys in the washing machine by putting them in a mesh bag

Mom Hack

Save time by cleaning your kid’s toys in the washing machine.

Just pop the toys into a mesh laundry bag, and let the machine do the work!

Mom’s Menu

Delicious Blueberry Date Bars in Under 30 Minutes


Remember those date bars grandma used to make?

Well, here's a modern twist that's not only lip-smackingly delicious but also packed with healthy goodies for your little ones.


We're talking about blueberry date bars!

Soft, moist, and super easy for the kids to chew, these treats are brimming with whole grains from rolled oats, the sweet charm of Medjool dates, the goodness of eggs, and the nutty richness of almond butter.

Top it off with some luscious blueberries, and voila a powerhouse snack that's ready in under 30 minutes!


  • 1 cup medjool dates (pitted)

  • ½ cup rolled oats

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • 2 tablespoon ground flaxseed

  • 3 large eggs

  • ½ cup almond butter (or peanut butter or sunflower seed butter)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • ¾ cup blueberries



  1. Soak the Dates: Start by placing the Medjool dates in a bowl. Cover them with water and let them soak for a good 30 minutes. After soaking, drain the water, pat the dates dry, and remove their pits.

  2. Prep the Pan and Oven: While your dates are having their spa time, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Also, take an 8×8-inch square baking pan and grease it well.

  3. Blend It All: Now, pour the rolled oats into your food processor and grind them into a coarse flour (think the texture of instant oats). Then, sprinkle in the baking powder, salt, flaxseeds, eggs, almond butter, vanilla, and your pampered dates. Process everything until the mixture is smooth. This shouldn't take more than 15-30 seconds.

  4. Into the Pan: Pour your mixture into the prepped baking pan. Using a spatula, spread it evenly, ensuring it covers all corners of the pan.

  5. Berry Shower: Take your blueberries and sprinkle them generously over the top of your mixture. Press them gently into the batter.

  6. Bake and Cool: Slide your pan into the preheated oven and let it bake for 28-32 minutes. You'll know it's done when a cake tester (or a good old toothpick) inserted into the center comes out clean. If the edges start to turn too brown, just cover the pan with foil for the last 10 minutes of baking. Once baked to perfection, remove your pan from the oven and let it cool down completely on a wire rack. Patience, dear mommas!

  7. Slice and Serve: Now, for the final reveal! Slice your beautiful creation into bars and serve to your little ones (and yourself, of course).



What's best, these little gems can stay fresh in the fridge for up to five days or be frozen for up to three months.

Pop one in your child's lunch box or sneak one for yourself - no one's judging!


  • Fresh or frozen blueberries work just fine.

  • You can switch the almond butter with peanut butter or sunflower seed butter.

  • If the edges start browning too much, cover with foil for the last 10 minutes of baking.

  • To make the bars a tad sweeter, add a quarter cup of honey, maple syrup, or sugar to the batter.

Wrapping Up: So there you have it, ladies - a snack that's as nutritious as it is delightful, they're going to be a hit, we promise!

Keep reading here.

Together with Shibumi

Family Beach Day, But Smarter

Shibumi: Your Beach Day Hero

Shibumi offers a lightweight, UV-protected, easy-to-carry beach shade that protects your family.

Enjoy the beach, worry-free, under their 150 sq ft shade.

Daily DIY (Mom Edition)

Grow Your Own Food


Grow your own food for fresher, tastier produce.

It's a wonderful learning experience for the little ones too.

Choose a sunny spot and prepare the soil by digging or tilling.

Then plant your seeds, add compost or fertilizer, and remember to water regularly.

The tutorial is here.

Mom’s Choice

This indoor slide transforms any room into a playground, ensuring your child can play regardless of the weather.

It's a favorite because it's easy to set up and store, making it perfect for homes with limited space.

  • Indoor Fun: Ensures your child can play and have fun, regardless of the weather.

  • Space-Saving: Folds down flat for easy storage after playtime.

  • Easy Setup: Pops up in minutes, no complicated assembly required.


Parenting Quiz

What is the best strategy for dealing with a toddler's temper tantrum? (Answer below)

A) Ignoring it

B) Distraction

C) Calmly talking them through it

D) All of the above

E) Translating it into interpretive dance

Mom’s Meme 🤣


D) All of the above

P.S. Keep your best friend's tail wagging with nutrient-rich meals. Nom Nom.


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